Mr. Coray-Dozier
What’s Happening in PE:
Welcome Back!
Mr. Coray-Dozier will be teaching TK-8.
Each grade will have two classes per week. We have been working on the standards for PE from the state of California and Oakland Diocese to form a productive curriculum that will be engaging for all the students. As their PE teachers, it is imperative that we follow these standards as a baseline for the activities used in PE. We look forward to working with all the students as we stress the importance of having a healthy and active lifestyle, as well as an understanding of athletic and team building skills!
From the school handbook ...
"Physical Education/Motor Development
PE classes are held for Kindergarten through eighth grade each week. Participation in these classes is mandatory and a student must have a written note from a parent to be excused from classes. Extended non-participation in PE mandates a note from a physician indicating the duration of inactivity. Students excused from PE classes will also be excluded from physical activity at recess, lunch and extracurricular activities. Students in grades TK-2 participate in weekly motor developments classes."
Mr. Coray-Dozier